Maddi Shinall’s photo portfolio

Maddi Shinall
The sunrise lights up the sky in pinks and oranges around seven in the morning on a cold Tuesday. When I looked out my house window, I almost couldn’t believe how bright the sunrise was.

I’ve always enjoyed looking at photography and taking photos, so this photography assignment was really fun for me because it gave me an excuse to go out and take some pictures. Honestly, I didn’t know if they would be any good whatsoever, but I was pleasantly surprised with how they turned out.  My favorite photo that I took for my portfolio was of Luke Reynolds ’18 for the lighting category.  For my event, I went to a Taekwondo tournament in Sioux City, Iowa where I attempted to get some action shots.  Then for my freeform photography I decided to go to downtown Iowa City and take some “building photography” as my dad put it.  Overall, I’m very happy with how all of my photos look!