Do Finals really help Students?

By: Aidan Yamashita

My opinion is that finals are not  good thing at that we should find something to replace them with. Now that the end of the second trimester upon us most students are starting to prepare for the stress that finals are going to be bringing. So do finals really help students. Are finals good? Do they benefit us? Should we even have finals? Emerie Bell ‘19 thinks that students shouldn’t have finals

“No I think we shouldn’t have finals. All they do is bring more stress into our lives while studying and taking the test.” So the real question is. Do finals really help students?

So what is so bad about having to take finals? Most students would agree that finals bring a lot of stress into their lives. Like having to do last minute studying and having up to seven test in one week. Even worse is that this happens towards the end of the trimester. When students are trying their hardest to make sure grades don’t drop. Because of this stress they don’t always perform to the best of their ability.

I had students take a survey about whether or not they would rather do finals or have projects throughout the tri. A majority of the students said they would rather do a project. I asked some of the students why they would rather do this. Most of them said that when doing finals they usually just try to memorize it for the test then they forget it all but when they do a project they tend to remember the information better. They also said that projects don’t give them as much stress because they have time to work on it instead of having one day of test taking.

Overall I have come to a conclusion that most students don’t agree with the idea of having to take finals. The bring unwanted stress into students lives and students feel that they don’t really learn anything. They would rather prefer alternative ideas instead like doing projects. In the end I can’t say that I disagree with them. I don’t think anyone really looks forward to taking test.