In the parking lot of west high
The line of cars shows how many people use their cars to get to school
The trees show the environment before the school was most likely built
All of the snow on the floor is slowly melting after being pelted by countless days in the sun till day and night

The home of this dog
The dog is on a bed with a pair of glasses on him
The dog was asleep at the moment of the picture
The dog had the glasses put on him as if he was a classy person

This is a highway close to home
The clouds in the sky make it a gloomy looking day
The trees can be seen when there are no corn fields in the way
It also leads to a soccer park that has lots of different equipment
This is a a road that leads to a small and quiet community

This is a close up of the same street
Most of the grass on the side is dead but the trees are still fine
Lots of the road is cracked or even broken
There are lots of houses near with some farms near

The sun creates a shadowing around the trees even though it is covered by some clouds
Lots of different emotions can be felt from here such as the sun can make one feel warm but the dark clouds can mean it is going to be sad

The sun is able to get some of its light through There is a lot of dead grass and trees and different plants
i had taken a picture of the microwave and then it seems that i caught my reflection a little

I had taken a picture of the sun but i changed the settings so everything looks different the picture is an image of my neighborhood for me it seems to resemble an eye