4 Elective classes to take
There are so many different and unique classes at West High, try sewing a quilt or creating art masterpieces. You may have heard of some of these before, or not. Regardless, all these classes will unleash your creative side, whether it is an art class or an industrial tech class.
Creative Fabrics
Creative Fabrics, taught by Beth Long, is a trimester class and is offered only once a year. In this class, students learn about quilting, the different types of fabrics, sewing, and at the end of the trimester, they create a quilt. “This is a little bit of a different class where you’re not sitting in a chair all day, and listening or taking notes and writing. But you’re using a different side of your brain and students have the chance to interact with other students more, and become incredibly creative,” Long said.
AP Music Theory
AP Music Theory is a class where a student can learn about the fundamentals of music. This class is taught by Wayne Thelander. In his email, he stated, “[I enjoy] the challenge of taking a diverse group of individuals as far as I can in the study of tonal harmony.” According to Mr. Thelander, students take this class to learn about music, instead of learning more music.
Manufacturing is a class about learning where products come from, and all the processes they go through. It also helps students to make better choices as consumers. When Brian Martz, the teacher of this class, was asked about his favorite part of teaching Manufacturing he responded in email saying, “Helping students gain confidence in themselves when it comes to creating a real project and seeing the pride they have in their work.” The class does have an academic baseline, but the main point of the class is to have students out of their seats, doing hands-on activities.
AP Studio Art
AP Studio Art is run like any other AP class but instead of taking a test, students submit a portfolio. Each student in the class gets to chose from three different portfolios, 2D design, drawing, or 3D design. Then the assignments they are given the rest of the year are based on the portfolio they choose.The teacher, Jennifer Saylor, points out that it is a structured class when talking about what she enjoys most about teaching it, “It’s challenging because you have to teach to what the national board wants.” Ioana Cherascu 16’ thinks that this class is very relaxing and helps you become super creative.