Behind the scenes of Iowa City West Show Choirs: Show Crew and Band


While reading West Side Story, there is a lot of praise and appreciation towards the big time sports and the clubs that attract student attention. More specifically, the big time sports and clubs at West High. Some students may not understand or know the things that go into making these clubs and sports possible. In other words, show choir, behind the scenes. People are unaware of what goes into performances, the hard work of show crew and band goes unrecognized.


A typical Wednesday afternoon for anyone involved in show choir is pretty busy. Show crew is responsible for stitching up costumes, taking measurements, and making sure everything is where it’s supposed to be.

“ There is a lot of work that goes into being in crew. There’s not so much hard work, but there is a lot of work. It’s a big time commitment as well,” said Kat Armstrong, ‘18. Armstrong feels that crew is there to help and to make sure everything goes smoothly. This is Armstrong’s second year in show crew but her first year as one of the crew captains.

Emma Brustkern, ‘18, is a second year show crew member Brustkern says that she feel that crew deserves more recognition. “Yes, people really don’t understand [get to see] how much work goes into being a crew member,” Brustkern said. She also agrees with Armstrong that a lot of work goes into being in crew.

When asked what a typical competition day is like, Armstrong and Brustkern agreed that it’s pretty hectic but has its moments of being boring. “It’s really long and there are long stretches of time doing nothing. Even though there are the moments where we have to do a lot of work to do. But altogether it’s just a long day.” Armstrong said.

“It’s a really hectic, long day. There’s unloading the things off the bus, then making sure everything is there. It’s just a lot of work.” says Brustkern.
Sam Sunderland, ‘19, freshmen Good Time Company band member. We had to get the perspective of being a band member to make this article complete. Sunderland says that show crew and band deserves more attention. “Show choir isn’t just about the hard work of the singers but also the hard work of the crew and band. All of the work coming together makes the show a good one.” Sunderland said. Sunderland is also involved in Show Time show choir, and has a whole different perspective about shows after he sees all the hard work everyone puts in. Behind the scenes of a typical show choir day is chaos, but it’s completely worth it once everyone sees the show altogether.

If you want to see or hear more about the Iowa City West High Show Choirs,  visit and learn more about the choral department at West High. Or come and see them at Winter Swing Show,  December 13th.
Showtime behind the scenes