AC vs. TV

By Amy LaMaster
The hot summer days are getting closer and the students are feeling more and more unfocused in classes. Many classrooms at West High have no air conditioning, and focusing on your work when all you can feel is the heat weighing your thoughts down is not how most students would like to feel. Recently some news about replacement of old TVs to more new, updated flat screens have mentioned in the April issue of the WSS.
But what about the lack of air conditioning at West? Food, fashion and fun asked students what they thought regarding this issue.
Rory Brady ‘16 explains where the money for the new TVs should be going instead. “I know that they’ve redone some of the bathrooms, so maybe [re-doing] the rest of them. And [putting money towards] the sports at west, making them more equal,” Brady said.
She also explains her personal feeling towards classes with no AC. “ , (…) I’m thinking about wanting to go home or to the library to get more air conditioning.”
Many of the students interviewed have similar answers to the questions asked. Chris M. ‘18 tells us why it’s hard to concentrate in a hot classroom, “When it’s really hot, it harder to think.” Kahlid __ ‘18 explains that we do need TVs but we should make good use of them. “I do think we need them, but not in every study room, like they have one in every study room here [in the library].”
Many of the students would prefer the money to go towards more efficient things instead of more TV screens. Maybe a more efficient way to get the news to the students were to be putting the announcements on paper, instead of broadcasting it on TV where most of the students usually don’t look every minute of the school day.