Jenna Wang’s Photo Gallery

Jenna Wang, Intern

Welcome to my photo gallery. What you’re seeing is the work of someone who’s perspective on photography has fully changed since the beginning of the Intro to Journalism Photography Unit. When this unit was first announced, I doubted myself instantly. I knew that I was a complete amateur and wasn’t that professionally good at all. I’m a writer. That’s what I constantly told myself. Sure, I could take “okay” shots and those average “pretty” shots, but I didn’t know what went beyond photography from there. I thought I’d take those pretty shots and I’d be done with this project. How wrong I was. In class, I learned more about photography than I ever thought I would. I discovered the capabilities of my camera and learned how to harness their power to manipulate and produce amazing quality photos. Armed with my new skills, I began to explore the depths of photography and curiously venture out of my comfort zone. I walked everywhere with a sharp detail, and did things that I’d never even think of. My journey led me onto a construction site on a rainy day, where I left with boots caked with mud. My journey also led me to brave chilling temperatures for more than three hours, exploring the neighborhood with my sister. Downtown Iowa City was breathtaking late at night, and I ventured into the topic of suicide for free form. I noticed everything and anything, always armed with my camera. At the end of the unit, I still say that I’m an amateur, but my skills have sharpened and grown. My perspectives have changed, and I’ll always be on the lookout for the next great photo.