Pedro Marra’s Photo Portfolio

Pedro Marra
Photo taken from berries that grow in a tree near the West High east entrance on January 18th. While I was waiting for my ride, I saw the berries and immediately ran outside to take a picture of them. I also had to carefully walk to the sidewalk, otherwise I would have slipped because of the thin sheet of ice that covered it.

Pedro Marra

This photography unit was certainly a challenge to me, since I had not being exposed to this type of material before. Besides of the techniques and different types of photos that I learned, my prejudice against photographers, who I thought simply took photos and won their lives by merely giving a single click, dissipated. Furthermore, the experience of having to take photos from different angles, perspectives and places, augmented my perception of these professionals. Taking pictures requires a lot of concentration and dedication to find the perfect light, shutter speed or aperture, therefore I now respect and realize how challenging it might be to take a single photo and even show a story through it.