Nick Silva Portfolio

I started this project several weeks ago and originally I was terrified. I trust my writing skills and page design is simple enough, but when tasked with a photography project I felt out of my comfort zone. Being a student focused on the more traditional school subjects (English, math, and science) I was no doubt flustered when I received a project more centered in the arts then anything I am used to. Isolated and confused I relied on my friends to turn the nobs and buttons on the cameras I used. As I neared the due date an ominous anxiety began to fill my stomach as I saw fewer pictures in my gallery as my classmates surrounding me. I was at a loss; scrambling to take last minute pictures or to convince myself that things will be alright. Sadly I believe my countdown rush shows in my gallery and a discrepancy between the photos I put effort into and the ones I didn’t has begun to show. In conclusion I believe that I have learned many lessons during this assignment none more important than a greater respect for photojournalism as an art and its role in journalism.