Lose yourself in a book

Carmela Cohen-Suarez and Moira Iglecias review romantic and dystopian novels.

Carmela Cohen-Suarez, Moira Iglecias, and Razan Karar

Imagine being magically transported into a new futuristic world or being plopped into a juicy romance. You lose yourself inside the pages within a couple chapters. You forget the world around you and get lost in the pages of a good book. These reviews are based on our personal opinions and are ranked 1-5 in accordance to how much we enjoyed the read. 1/5 meaning we did not like it and 5/5 being we loved it.
Be warned: This page may contain spoilers! You can just skip to the ranking, opinion, and recommendation if you do not want anything revealed to you ahead of time. We hope you lose yourself in these books as much as we did!

