Call of Duty: WWII
The World Beyond Reality.

May 26, 2017
While not studying and spending most of the day at school, many students enter a world of imagination and fantasy and participate in the world wide movement of video games. Jack Gray ’20 waits in anticipation of the new Call of Duty: WWII that is coming out in November of this year. This is yet another game in the Call of Duty series that will make over half a billion dollars.
Jack Gray is one of over 100 million people who play Call of Duty annually and is an avid gamer himself. He loves playing Halo, Call of Duty, and Far Cry Primal on his Playstation 4. “I probably play over 6 hours of video games a week and is my favorite thing to do on weekends,” says Gray. Out of the 2500 students who attend West High, 1000 of them probably play video games on a monthly basis. Video games are the board games of the future.
As the release date for Call of Duty: WWII approaches, Jack Gray along with millions of other await in anticipation. “My favorite part is that this game will be realistic without jetpacks and superboost jumps!” says Gray excitedly. In the past few years, the companies that create COD games have received lots of backlash for the unrealistic games they have created and have lost many buyers. That’s why this year they created a game based on World War II.
Gray has been playing video games for over 8 years, playing on consoles ranging from Playstation 2 and the Wii. “The first COD game I played was Modern Warfare 2 and I fell in love with it right away!” says Gray. This is why Jack Gray can’t wait to get his hands on the new game and has already pre ordered it online. The launch date is in the middle of November and some are trying to will time to move quicker.
The new Call of Duty: WWII game has grasped the attention of many and will be one of the best selling games of 2017. Jack Gray is awaiting the day when he can try it out for the first time. Enter a world of imagination and try video games out for yourself, if you haven’t already fallen into the wonderland.