New Gospel Choir Starting at West High
Gospel Choir, run by Luigi Enriquez, will start at West High on November 6th
November 9, 2017

A new club will be joining West High called gospel choir starting Monday November 6th in the choir room. Gospel music is a kind of Christian music based on American folk music, typically marked by strong rhythms and elaborated refrains and incorporating elements of spirituals, blues, and jazz. The group will be directed by Luigi Enriquez, the new choir teacher this year.
During Mr. Enriquez’s interview for the job position, he was asked about what other previous experience he had relating to choir. Enriquez mentioned that he was in gospel choir in high school and college. “Mr Haas, David, was like, ‘you know that it really caught my ear during your interview’ and that like, that might be something that we are interested that we could do here, at West,” Enriquez said.
Gospel choir is open to everyone, including teachers, and not just people in choir. “Gospel choir is built on community singing. It’s accessible, meaning that anybody can do it. You just want it to be just a big ole party for anybody who wants to sing,” Enriquez said. Sheet music may not be used very much in order to make it available to everyone.
The first meeting was a success, with plenty of students coming to enjoy music, including Razan Hamza ‘21 and McKenna Proud ‘21. When talking about why they decided to join gospel choir, Hamza said “I am already in 3 choirs, so why not add another one!” Proud joined because she enjoys doing choir at her church and loves Mr. Enriquez.
Gospel choir will be doing traditional gospel music, songs in call and response, and slaves songs in terms of spirituals. If you would like to come to gospel choir next time, then come to the choir room on mondays from 4:15 to 6. Anyone from students to teachers is able to come and sing in gospel choir. Mr. Enriquez encourages others to come, saying “(Gospel choir) is open to anybody in the school, so bring your friends if you want, and faculty and staff,”