Was walking home and came over the hill to see this! I couldn’t help but take a quick photo! -Featured
I saw this makeshift frame in the Ceramics room, perfectly framing the tree outside. Couldn’t help but take a photo! -Aperture
It’s been an hour trying to figure out this new game… at least we’ll be well prepared to start playing! -Event 1Beginning to put the game together now, MUCH harder than I originally expected! -Event 2Finished our first month! We managed to win, though it was a stretch! This is the board game; Pandemic Legacy. Much more difficult than the original Pandemic game! You play month by month, with objectives that you have to complete. You get only two chances to win a game! There are even long-lasting effects! Sadly, this makes it a one-play-only game. -Event 3Was walking by this shard of glass when I saw the reflection of my friend’s dress. I could resist making her stop to take a photo! -FramingWent out into my backyard to get my dogs (who were barking at my neighbor), and saw this out of the corner of my eye! -LightWas walking up the stairs, the ones with the massive windows, and couldn’t help but take a quick photo of this. -Free Form 2Ran out after my dogs again was stunned by the sunset. Knew I had to document it! -Free Form 3Walking to my third-period class, and I was struck by the way the hallway funnels into a distant point of light. -Leading Lines
My photography gallery consists mainly of photos of nature, often times with some aspect of human interference, such as windows, buildings, benches and other man-made objects. Before this project, I rarely took photographs, and this project has helped me to document the everyday beauties in my life. My family can attest; I have run outside in the morning or night to take photos, and I’ve been late walking home several times due to getting distracted by something I want to take photos of. I’m hoping that soon I’ll be getting a digital camera! Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
My friend dropped her ring onto these leaves on accident, when I went to pick it up for her, I was struck by how much it looked like a shiny berry! -Free Form 1Anum Ansar studying for her Algebra II Honors class! -PortraitI fell on the way to school, looked up and was greeted by this sight! I couldn’t help but take a photo, glad that I didn’t break my phone. -Worms Eye ViewI asked my friend, Isolina Quiñones Anderson, to let me take a photo of her inspired by Vivian Maier… This is what I got back. Oh well, I love her like a sis, even when she’s doing this! -Vivian Maier Inspired