Sara Baroncini’s Photo Gallery

Feature: On a quiet afternoon, the striking skyscrapers of Chicago continue to rise high on a snowy winter day, continuing to show off the beauty of this well-known busy city.

Photography has been a hobby of mine that continues to grow and prosper as I get older. It was that first moment as a young girl when I received a Canon DSLR camera as a gift that this hobby grew into something much bigger, something a part of me. The feeling of capturing and holding one moment in a photo is one that is impossible to describe, it is a feeling that brings joy and warmth because it is a treasure that will be kept on forever. I have learned so many things about photography, continuing to gain more knowledge about it to this day and possibly throughout my whole life. I may not be a professional quite yet, however I am proud of the achievements and milestones I have reached within the field.