Find Your Heart Within Art


A young artist under the persuasion of her role model finds what being an artist truly means: “Being an artist doesn’t mean you have to be good. Being a good artist is drawing what you feel and how you express yourself,”Said Swack. We continue this statement by feeling what’s inside us it is then we find peace with art. Does art find itself within us, or do we find ourselves within art? the answer to that is they’re the same question just put in different words of a sentence. People find art to be more independent but the truth is it’s not private at all””

Rachel Swack ‘23 goes deep into her love about art”” Her source for this came from her family  and one of her friends Melissa Uc ”23 “”I have been into art since I was seven years old”” Swack said.  Swack found her love of art doing art classes her family took her to.  Swack’s mom took her to this Art formantory when she was young and told her that she’s going to take classes there. As a backup plan Swack informed about her other dreams in life as a result she hopes to become an animator like Pixar. She said her friends had made a big impact on A lot of interest she’s known for today, for instance, soccer, and swimming has a big achievement in her life.” If you could go through rough waters with someone and they’re still there that values much loyalty in friendship” Swack used this quote of her interest in swimming.

Following up by this quote her role model Jane Goodall also live by this, she said Jane Goodall went through rough patches with people just as Swack did in her past, she explained  that Jane Goodall moved forward and did things people said she couldn’t do in life which as well as Swack said “I would hope to expand forward too just like her and not let anyone run my life based off what they think what is best for me”. 

Admitting to her rough past Rachel Swack really did go through tough things as she was younger, Swack had very difficult breathing problem and has been through two surgeries to help her breathing’ her tonsils were removed to keep her breathing correctly”I had something in my nose where they removed what was in my nose, which I still don’t know what it was, but There’s this skin patch that covers like how I breathe through my nose, they had a cut that out and filled it in with that instead ”, Swack proclaimed this stage in her life made her stronger to the point where she is now, she said through this experience her friends were very supportive and didn’t look at her any different which Swack also hopes for in the future. As time moves on in life Swack hopes that her friendships remain the same without any outcome of drama. Her way through life is by another quote that she first noticed in her English room the quote is,” I haven’t failed I just found  10,000 ways that don’t work.” Swack says she hopes to move forward with this accurate quote daily.