Relaxing from a busy life

A lot of life is noisy and rowdy, so it is nice to get away from that sometimes. To do that, most people will do the things they like to do to relax. For Eva Jordan ’23, those things is traveling, which she is especially passionate about.

Eva Jordan, 23.

Eva Jordan, ’23.

A lot of life is noisy and rowdy, so it is nice to get away from that sometimes. To do that, most people will do the things they like to do to relax. For Eva Jordan ’23, one of those things is traveling, which she is especially passionate about.
When she is at the beach, Jordan likes just sitting on the beach and watching the water. She doesn’t like swimming very much, but she will, “…walk in the water up to my knees,” she said. She doesn’t like fully engulfing herself in the water, but she likes to, ‘get her feet wet’.
Jordan has traveled a lot in her childhood. “I went to California, Yosemite, and Morro Bay,” Jordan said. “…maybe if I continue to learn Spanish than I could go to a Spanish speaking country,” she said, In reference to the school trips to Spain or Costa Rica that you can go on if you take Spanish III or above. She wants to go out of the country, because she has never done so before.
Mara Caylor, ’23, has traveled with Jordan a lot. They have gone rafting several times together, and every time, Caylor describes Jordan as being calm and collected. “She’s just a cool person” said Caylor, in light of Jordan’s skill on a raft. “She’s a very adventurous person” said Caylor. In the face of the danger of rafting, Caylor thinks that Jordan is all too calm.
Jordan is passionate about all types of travel, whether it be by boat, train, car or plane, she loves it. She loves travelling to see family and just getting away from Iowa. No matter where she is, Jordan will always find a way to have fun and relax.