Welcome to my photo gallery! I hope at least one of these photos is able to inspire you in some way. This was particularly challenging cause most of these were taken at school, which is a place I’m not particularly fond of. However, I’m happy because I think I was able to capture some life in a place I typically find so dull. I hope you feel the same way too.
[FREE STYLE] One of West High’s Concert Band trumpet players, Audrey Parrish ’23, who has now been playing the trumpet for five years. “When I was younger I really wanted a trumpet, so my parents got me a plastic trumpet, when I was two, that I played all the time. So really, I’ve been playing trumpet my whole life.”[LEADING LINES] I found that the construction around West High has really helped make some interesting photos. The tubes at the bottom lead to the ladder which is a bright red when compared to the rest of the schools’ dull color scheme.[FREESTYLE] Many ceiling tiles have been removed due to the construction at West High which made this picture of a clock a little bit more interesting.[FREESTYLE] “I think it’s kind of incredible that you can make music with air and a metal tube,” Audrey Parrish ’23 when talking about playing the trumpet.[FREE STYLE] The sky from outside my favorite stairwell of West High.[PERSPECTIVE] Taking this at a worm’s eye point of view, made this window in one of the school’s stairwells look almost heavenly.[SHUTTER SPEED] By setting the shutter speed to seven seconds the camera is able to capture the star Sachiko makes with a phone’s flashlight.[EVENT] During the girls’ varsity basketball game the Cheerleaders showcased West High’s spirit through their classic cheer routines.[INSPIRED BY VIVIAN MAIER] This photo was inspired while Heidi Du ’23 and I were playing around with what we could take pictures of. We then had the idea to take pictures through the other’s camera viewfinder; which resulted in this kinda playful and experimental photo.[PORTRAIT] “I mean, I love my trumpet. It shows how I can make something beautiful with my own two hands,” Audrey Parrish ’23.[LIGHTING] Mrs. Whitaker’s succulent provides an excellent silhouette for this photo.[APERTURE] “My plants have survived for years. I don’t have a green thumb so they’re very hardy for making it this far.” Mrs. Whittaker
[EVENT] Number 23 of the Dubuque Wahlert Catholic team is welcomed onto the court through a series of high-fives.[EVENT] The intensity builds on the bench as a critical basket is about to be made.[FRAMING] Just a regular ABC fire extinguisher in one of West High’s hallways.[FREESTYLE] This cactus was a gift to Mrs. Whittaker from her west high senior staffers when they graduated.