L is for the lazy teen

We all, as students, get that feeling that the dictionary should have school under synonyms for hell. In reality, however, we would suffer in heaven as well, because its our astonishingly poor decisionmaking we suffer from, not school. This is what I envision the (stereo)typical teenager day to be.

William Feng

Hover over black circles for pop-up text.

You finally reach the end of school. You drive home like a mannequin, too busy grovelling over your homework overload. You feel the clouds of depression, but then you cheer yourself up again. Oh well, like they say: “Due tomorrow, do tomorrow”. You haven’t tried the homework yet, but you already decided you won’t. It’s the school’s fault for giving too much homework anyway. You get home, and spend the rest of the night happily snapgramming those friends you never see, letting all your homework and knowledge slowly collect dust.


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All credits go to their respective artists and creators, and are in no shape or form endorsed. All pictures were resized and cropped from original. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, or earlier forms, but some of the photos are licensed under CC BY, not under CC BY-SA.