showtime choir
goodtime company choir member Karissa Burkhardt 20′
Ruab Ahmed 22′
pills found on the windowsill on the stairs
Mrs.Eustice’s class pet
Tayyiba Muhammed 22′
A single set of footsteps in the fresh snow
showtime choir cheers for good-time company as they dominate the stage
Anna Prouty ‘23 (#4) attempts a three-point shot at this year’s home game against City’s Varsity Girls Basketball Team. (event action #1)
Even Brauns (#34) dunks against City’s Varsity Boys Basketball Team during this year’s City-West home game. (event action #2)
West High students cheer on West’s Varsity Boys Basketball Team at their home game against City. West and City’s student sections wore yellow and purple, respectively, in remembrance of NBA basketball player Kobe Bryant. (event reaction)
From the Vue Rooftop, cars can be spotted among the bright lights of downtown Iowa City. (fast shutter speed)
Citizens enjoy dinner beneath the glow of the Bread Garden’s warm lighting. (free form)
The bright orange entrance to the E. Carmon Rehearsal Room pops against the Voxman’s gray walls. Music spills into the hallway as several college students practice their band instruments. (framing)
The metal newspaper box on Newton Road displays a the, female focused, February issue of The Daily Iowan. (free form)
A plastic depiction of an elephant serves as a child’s stool at The Chauncey Hotel. (free form)
Two pidgeons seek shelter from the cold in an alcove between the exterior walls of the Iowa City Public Library. (free form)
Narrow white walls frame this monochromatic entryway at The Chauncey Hotel. (free form)
An elegant metal sculpture hangs from the Voxman ceiling and draws visitors up the stairs. (free form)
Film Scene’s new neon sign illuminates the corner of College and Gilbert streets. (light)
Lane 12 is complete at The Chauncey’s under-construction bowling alley. (leading lines)
Green bound theses line the shelves of the Voxman Library. (large aperture)
Kevy Huynh ‘23 searches the fiction section of West High Library for her next read. (portrait)
Five large metal pipes rise from the ground next to the Pappajohn Biomedical Research Building. (worm’s eye view)
Pedestrians enter the Englert Theatre for an evening performance by Mandolin Orange. (Vivian Maier inspired)
The sun shines brightly through the large staircase windows during some of the coldest months of the year. (free form)
Lined up on the windowsill of the journalism classroom, these succulents come in all shapes and sizes. (free form)
As Sabrin Mohammed ’22 and I walk down the street, cars are lined up waiting to go. (leading lines)
On a casual downtown day, pedestrians cross the street in a hurry while a car begins to turn. (free form)
Inspired by Vivian Maier, Sabrin Mohammed ’22 and I stand in front of a full glass building reflecting the street behind us. (Vivian Maier)
On a saturday night, surprisingly the university library is barely busy and some floors are completely empty. From the worm’s eye view you can really appreciate the leading pillars and ceiling tile as well as the art filling the walls. (worm’s eye view)
Kevy Huynh, WSS Intern
November 18, 2019
“The Cycle.” “Moon days.” “Shark week.” Even “Satan’s waterfall.” I’m sure everyone is used to people using a whole slew of different names for the dreaded...
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An Unexpected Club By Audrey Parrish
November 15, 2019
Show choir is more than just an extracurricular, it’s a passion.
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Recently I traveled to Maryland and my family took a day trip to Washington D.C. and we visited a few places including the Smithsonian Museum, the Air and Space Museum, and...
The Controversy of Social Media
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Maya Chu, WSS Intern
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The echoing cheers hushed as the official whistled and she stepped onto the block. A distorted “take your mark” was followed by a short electronic beep that signaled the...
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November 18, 2019
As we’re nearing the completion of the first trimester, our first grades of the year will be placed in the grade book. With college applications and AP classes hitting hard...
Sofia Wells-Lu, WSS Intern
November 13, 2019
Vermin Supreme is a member of the libertarian party that runs for president every election. His platform includes free ponies, curing gum disease, and zombie power. In this...
Jessica Nauman, WSS Intern
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About nine million college students across the US are apart of a fraternity or sorority. The percent of students that are a part of Greek Life that graduate is higher than...
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